Bowing to the Inevitable

All evidence to the contrary, I do have a garden.  

Circle_garden_2 This is what we generally call the Circle, I’m not sure why. (Actuallly, it looks sort of square here, which is weird.)

When we moved in seven years ago, there was a  circular hole in the cement of our patio. Herbs, I thought, since the Circle is about two steps from the French doors to the dining-room/kitchen area. Yes, and some perennials for color. Restock with annuals every year? Forget it.

The first time I took a shovel to this dirt, I just about gave up the plan to plant anything at all. It was almost solid, knit together with a mat of finely meshed roots. I dug through it all, mixed in plenty of compost, and set out the first plants. Well and good.

That fall, I decided to add more compost, and being still under the impression that all amendments must be dug in, I got out the shovel, set it to the dirt, and found–the same thing I’d encountered that spring.Circle_flowers1_2

This went on for a couple of years. (I’m a slow learner.) Then, I noticed that although some things never did well in the Circle, others thrived. C_white_anemone I could put pansies from the same box, on the same day, into the Circle and into the border by the lawn, no more than five feet away, and the former would languish while the latter would grow to the size of small bushes.

My little spring bulbs, however–snowdrops, grape hyacinth, miniature iris–did just fine, and I neverCliff_anemone_stem_2 heard a peep out of the delphinium. Anemone flourished, as did the tiny red-flowered native cliff anemone.And the herbs–oregano, sage, thyme–kept us supplied all year long.

Clearly, it was time to throw in the trowel. So I did. Anything that wanted to live there, I decided, would have to make it on its own. It would get no help from me. Since then, the only digging I’ve done there has been to make holes for new plants.Cliff_anemone_flr_cu_2

6 Responses to Bowing to the Inevitable

  1. Sounds like a sensible and sooooo less stressful approach. It’s a case of finding the right plants for that spot eh? Looks good from over here BTW.
    Thanks. Of course, since you’re commenting from Great Britain, I suspect any flaws will be a bit blurred.
    Definitely all about getting the right plants–and about less stress. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi there Kate – your circle looks great! Other than new veggie beds and a few trees, I think I’ve given up on doing much to my soil other than a top dressing of manure now and then. it’s just WAY too much work! Like you, I’m sticking with plants that can handle the tough conditions and thrive with little help from me. Now that I’m on crutches and unable to garden, I am truly reaping the benefits of choosing hardy plants!

  3. The visit was useful. Content was really very informative.

  4. Though you are a slow learner, you have done a great job. Your small round garden looks so beautiful. Good Work get more beautiful flower plants to decorate your lovely garden.

  5. Nothing like responding to a comment two years late, huh, Amy? Here’s hoping all’s well with you now.
    Gee, thanks, Jean. I wish I could say you were wrong! (about being a slow learner, that is.)

  6. Hi dear ! Really beautiful garden !
    Thanks for yours photos and articles… I’am learning a lot with them !


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