While the gardener’s away, hot pepper holds the fort–mostly.

Pasque_flr_quark_3 Strike up the band, folks–my pasque flower appears to have surived Quark’s depredations, duly recorded in an earlier post. Here are the before and after photos:Pasque_flr_recovering

In reviewing the suggestions so kindly offered by visitors, I considered three criteria:

Will it cost any money?
Will it take any time?
Will I have to show my face in a public place from which word might reach my boss that I’d been doing something other than editing the article I  owe him?

Taking into consideration the above criteria, the committee (of one) that convened to review the relevant data zeroed in a single idea. Brenda, of A Journey of Grace and Whimsey (what a great title!) suggested laying "something picky" on the beds, so instead of putting all my raspberry cuttings out on the alley for the spring (read mid-summer) pickup (I shouldn’t complain, it’s a great service), I laid a few across my patio planters, thusly:Patio_barrels

So far, only one hole’s been dug in that lovely dirt since the committee submitted its report.

They look so messy, though, I find myself reluctant to use them on other beds, and I worry what would happen to the lettuce as I lift them away.

I’ve also picked up an idea from somewhere–I don’t remember where–which was to sprinkle hot pepper on the ground. So I’ve done that too, with mixed results. As Brenda said, Dumb kitty.

Quark_takes_a_pee Yes, he’s doing just what it looks like he’s doing. I never see his sister, Muon, digging (or peeing) in the garden. Of course, that might be because he really is just dumber than her, and she doesn’t get caught. Certainly she doesn’t cause any trouble.

2 Responses to While the gardener’s away, hot pepper holds the fort–mostly.

  1. I tied rose prunings round my olive tree trunk, a while back, to stop cats sharpening their claws there.
    It looks dreadful – but it worked.
    The cats have moved over to the trunk of the apple tree.
    Esther Montgomery

  2. They look like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth don’t they?
    Don’t they.

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