Category Archives: Montana Moments

Coleslaw, anyone?


Meadow Zelenitz-McCracken, The Bozeman Chronicle, Jan. 14, 2012

I had to blink once or twice when I saw this photo in Saturday’s paper. I mean, that 65 pound monster was grown here in Bozeman. By a third grader. I bet it outweighs her.

You can read the article in the Bozeman Chronicle, or join me in my room, where you’ll find me sobbing under my bed. The aptly named Meadow grew not only the largest cabbage in this year’s Bonnie Plants Cabbage Program, but the largest ever grown in the program.

Clearly, Meadow has a great future as a gardener. Me, I’m going to retire.

Montana moments: corn growing in your what?

I dedicate this one to all my gardening fellows who know they've planted something in the wrong place, or to all those who have lost track of a seed or two: it could be worse. If you don't believe me, try this 1938 headline

“Lad grows corn in nostril; Doc plows it under.”

Yes, it's true. You can read all about it here.

My local paper, the Bozeman Chronicle, turns a respectable 100 this year. To celebrate this momentous occasion, every day it reprints several short articles drawn from its archives for that date. That was one of today's.

My husband suggested I call this "A Nose for Gardening." Or perhaps, "S'not what it used to be."

Me, I keep thinking that the story gives a whole new meaning to “In your face!”