Montana moments: corn growing in your what?

I dedicate this one to all my gardening fellows who know they've planted something in the wrong place, or to all those who have lost track of a seed or two: it could be worse. If you don't believe me, try this 1938 headline

“Lad grows corn in nostril; Doc plows it under.”

Yes, it's true. You can read all about it here.

My local paper, the Bozeman Chronicle, turns a respectable 100 this year. To celebrate this momentous occasion, every day it reprints several short articles drawn from its archives for that date. That was one of today's.

My husband suggested I call this "A Nose for Gardening." Or perhaps, "S'not what it used to be."

Me, I keep thinking that the story gives a whole new meaning to “In your face!”


7 Responses to Montana moments: corn growing in your what?

  1. Kate, is it? Hmm…Spent way too long looking for an “about me” or an email. So…I apologize for the method. Would you please supply an email for you? I’d like to communicate. You have my email. Thanks.

  2. You’ve just made me snort my coffee! :)
    I wonder if it cropped well?
    Lovely to see you over at my place – it’s been way too long since we were in touch
    Psst TomatoGuyBill – look at the top right. The About’s right there…

  3. Oh my heavens. I have three young sons and I think that if they had corn growing out their nostril I’d probably have to be committed. I’m actually growing corn for the farmer’s market for the first time this year. I hope we have good luck with it. Trying a little 3 sisters growing with squash and peas.

  4. Hmm—I distinctly remember responding to you yesterday, Bill—but apparently not. My apologies. I also remember e-mailing you, but perhaps I'd better check on that too!
    Ah, VP, how nice to see you! I do apologize for making you snort your coffee; hope it wasn't too hot.
    I swear, I do find this one of the more unlikely places to plant corn…
    I do have some sympathy for TomatoGuyBill in his search for info, but as I thought I'd told him already, I'm in the midst of a major overhaul, and housework doesn't seem that important when you're planning to tear the building down.
    It has been too long. I'm trying to reform my ways.
    Greetings, ParkerPondFarm folks. I intersowed beans and corn a couple of years ago, but kept the squash to the edges, as these are tiny patches without rows. Oh dear—imagine a squash plant growing from—no, no, I take it back; don't imagine it. Sorry, that was a cruel thought to plant (!) in the mind of the mother of young boys.
    Glad you enjoyed it, Dirty Girl Gardening. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Thank you for this read. My me laugh. See gardening can be fun.

  6. Corn can grow anywhere,even if in the rocky soil corn can grow there..

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