Greenhouse gleanings: thanks to Eliot Coleman

  Greenhuse gleanings

I entered the greenhouse today. This would not be worth remarking upon if I did it every day, but I don't. And since the weather took its sudden plunge a couple of weeks ago, there seemed no point. With highs in single digits some days last week, surely everything would be dead.

But it wasn't. That photo at the top shows what I collected today. Some of it, especially the chard, had clearly frozen; it was limp and dark. But I've washed it and thrown it in the freezer; tomorrow I'll throw it into some soup, where its limp texture won't matter.

More surprising than the frozen chard was the unfrozen lettuce and kale. Or at least, if it had frozen, it appeared not to have suffered. The turnip greens, too, appeared virtually undamaged, so I hauled my one huge turnip out of the ground and bundled it into the refrigerator.

The kale went straight into the evening pasta, along with fresh, home-grown tomatoes, and leftover turkey. Here's what it looked like:

Kiale turkey tomato pasta

I'm feeling quite chuffed.

3 Responses to Greenhouse gleanings: thanks to Eliot Coleman

  1. I am jealous. The wind blew the plastic off our greenhouse this fall and I am missing the few scraggly greens we used to get from it this time of year. It takes a lot of effort to trudge threw the snow, dig out the door and come out with a few wilty greens, but it is always worth it.

  2. Ooh, Sarah, those winds can do it. My husband drapes hoses over the plastic, which does a pretty good job of holding it down. Last March about this time, winds shredded the whole thing, but this year it seems to be holding up.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Great recipe!

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