Chicken Little was right…

…The sky is falling.

Look what just came down:

Hail inner structure

That, my friends, is golf-ball sized hail. In case you should doubt me, take a look at this:

Hailstones w

There they are with a golf ball. A goofy golf ball, I grant you, but a golf ball nonetheless. A local news service, KBZK, reports baseball-sized hail on the MSU campus, about five blocks away, but I didn't see anything that big. It also reports numerous broken windows around town, and that I can believe; the neighbors just south of me took a direct hit in their big western window. Glass was sprinkled over the floor ten or twelve feet into the room.

Several hours earlier I was eating lunch with husband and friends out on the lawn, where we took refuge under trees, the sun shone so hot. Yet when I got up this morning, it was raining, and I thought we'd have to eat inside. Somehow we managed to slip the meal into the space between morning rain and afternoon hail.

2 Responses to Chicken Little was right…

  1. Not something I would care to experience! WOW!
    We are supposed to get frost this morning. I could skip THAT too!

  2. Where are you, Susan? I see you’ve already harvested all your strawberries, yet you’re supposed to get frost? Very strange. Here’s hoping it didn’t happen. My first strawberries are only just starting to turn red. That’s an incredible garden you’ve got, by the way. I wish I had that sort of space!

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