“They said this day would never come…”

We saved our votes for today, wanting the ceremony of the ballot. Also, it's the first time our younger son has been able to vote; we wanted to do it together. So we went to the polls together, all four of us, to cast our votes, and while no one was handing out ice-cream or coffee here in Montana as there were elsewhere–the coffee to convince cold voters to stick out the long lines, the ice-cream to reward them for doing so–still there was no real need for them, at least where we were.

Listening to NPR on the way to the polls, we heard that 98% of eligible voters in Michigan had registered. Ninety-eight percent. Amazing.

What a day, what a night, what a glorious, exciting time–Obama wins. I'm actually proud to be an American, for the first time in a long time. Throw your hats in the air, hug everyone in reach, and breathe deeply, sleep soundly; tomorrow will be a new day.

17 Responses to “They said this day would never come…”

  1. Oh, yes, I hope so! I’m proud of America too. My newspaper carried a full-page pic of Obama on the front, no story or anything and a headline that just said: “Mr President”. I had tears in my eyes as I showed it to my daughter. (She was much more composed, she just said: “Cool!”)

  2. History has been made! We are so happy for you / LOL Tyra

  3. What a thrill, Kate! No coffee or ice cream for us, either, but no lines when we went over. We’re so proud of Pennsylvania. Tonight we’re setting off sparklers and having a big bonfire in our firepit, lighting the chile lights, and I’m making a celebratory curry. Hooray!!!

  4. Victoria, one of the TV networks here showed several front pages from around the world, starting with that one. That was the picture I wanted on my post, but I can’t find it!
    Thanks, Tyra, and thanks too for stopping by. It’s somehow eerie, knowing how many people in how many places around the world also hoped for this.
    Sounds like great fun, Ellen. We confined ourselves to a livingroom gathering in front of the fire, seeing as how it was snowing outside. Yes, good for PA. MT was actually hovering for a while there, but finally plunked for McCain. Maybe next time.

  5. I am a bit worried (not very, but a bit) that there are no Republicans left in America. The BBC news over here seldom features them (except for the occasional stereotype with a Jesus Loves AK47s t-shirt). No garden bloggers seem to admit to being one. It seems to be a rather embarassing condition, similar to admitting to unfortunate flatulence. I am sure they must be out there somewhere: maybe in Texas. May Mr Obama bring sugary biscuits and fluffy kittens into the mucky world of international politics.

  6. No ice cream or coffee here, either, I was just glad to vote!

  7. I actually woke up thinking about Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech this morning, then switched on the telly to see/hear the momentous news :)
    NAH and I sat at breakfast looking at Grant Park in Chicago going ‘We’ve been there!’ at intervals at each other. It’s a good feeling when you know you’ve been to a place where history gets made.

  8. I didn’t even get an “I Voted” sticker. Still, isn’t it great.

  9. James, check out Anna Garden Girl’s blog for a thoughtful explanation for why one person voted for McCain.
    Your idea that being Republican seems to be an embarassing condition–actually, being a liberal has become something that people rarely admit to these days. “Progressive” sounds so much more contemporary.
    I can’t believe you’re hoping for kittens.
    Welcome, Sandy, and yes, the voting was the essential thing.
    VP–Good to hear from you. Obama
    sounds like an old style orator–King, Kennedy–someone with gravitas and intelligence–doesn’t he? Your morning sounds wonderful.
    Deb–Are you sure your vote got counted? No ice-cream, no coffee–and no
    sticker? You mean we’re back to the basics? No material symbol of the event–just the knowledge in our hearts? Sheesh. We’ll be talking about principles next.

  10. I fell asleep in front of tellie waiting to see how Montana voted as I am partial to Missoulians and am sure Bozemanians are terrif, too – gotta love all that Big Sky Country —ooh yeah and cowboys, and those strong cross country skiers, rippling biceps of fly fishermen. Uh- where was I? Oh yeah – Obama – finally the true course of the new millenium is being set!

  11. It was indeed an amazing day. Even though I knew that, with our antiquated Electoral College system, my vote for Obama here in red Texas would not count, I was excited to cast my vote early, a couple of weeks ago. Even in my conservative Republican precinct at that time, the polling place was crowded. It was obvious that something very unusual was taking place.
    I have high hopes for President-elect Obama. He is such an inspirational leader. Let us hope he can bring our country – and the world – together in common purpose: Peace and equal opportunity for all.

  12. I am very glad to see this man elected. I hope he can carry out his promises. I don’t mind one bit saying I’m Republican. My family lives politics every day. I voted Democrat on some things and Rep on others. Love our Democrat Governor. Thank you for the kind words about my explanation. I try to be reasonable but honest about who I am. I find that people appreciate that more. That way–when I do agree with them…they know I mean it.

  13. I’m proud to be an American no matter which lying thief is in office.

  14. Shauna, glad you appreciate Montana skies (and guys); good thing Obama was better than you are at keeping his eyes on the prize, though. Glad you like Obama, since he’s gonna be President of Canada (!?!) too!
    Dorothy, I wonder how long the electoral college will last?
    Anna, so glad to hear from you. It gets to the point in this country where we can’t even talk to each other if we’re from different political parties. How can we learn from each other or come to understand each other if we never even talk?
    Stacy–tee hee. Yeah, like I’m proud of my country no matter what little guy we’re stomping at the moment.

  15. Yes, praise be to the Lord, we have an intelligent wise sensitive man headed for the White House with a beautiful, intelligent, classy, loving wife and two gorgeous little girls with their eyes on a GoldenDoodle puppy. I can’t wait! Anyone in America who went through the Sixties first hand knows this is a healing of that era, a continuation of the Dream. What a long time coming and how sweet it is. :)
    Love and blessings to our new leader.

  16. Hi from another Dem garden blogger, in Texas, no less. It was lovely to read about you voting together with your son. My kid is 5 years too young, but I’ll never forget how attentive he was when I woke him up to watch McCain’s and Obama’s speeches.

  17. Kathryn, I know what you mean about having lived through the 60s. Too many killings, too many setbacks to the Dream–and now, this. Amazing. It is a healing.
    Mary, I think it’s so neat that you woke your son! I did feel incredibly lucky that our younger son’s first election was this one.

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