And the Arte y Pico awards go to–

Long, long ago, in an earlier and simpler time (last July, actually), the esteemed Victoria of Victoria's Backyard did me the extraordinary and unexpected honor of bestowing upon me the coveted Arte y Pico award. You wouldn’t know it from the way I responded (which can best be described as not responding at all), but I really was quite blown away. Still am.

Premio2barte2by2bpico_4 This is one of those awards that one shares, and I am such a wordoholic that the injunction to select blogs “regardless of the language” stopped me cold. How could I ignore language? Then there was that bit about choosing bloggers who had made a “contribution to the blogging community."  At that point I’d only been blogging seriously for a few months. I’d posted a few times a month since November, 2007, but didn’t start posting seriously until May of this year, much less reading other blogs, so I had no idea what the "blogging community" was, much less who'd made a contribution to it.

Since then I’ve spent countless hours reading and enjoying others’ blogs, and having survived the Great Transatlantic Sock Wars (which left fields both here and abroad littered with virtual dead), I feel that I know something of the “blogging community” and all the happiness it can bestow on its members. (Not to mention the sadness–No, let us not speak of that. Clearly you wish to speak of it–to revisit the sorrow that afflicted so many who witnessed the cruelty visited upon me in that terrible time, but no–no, we shall not speak of it. We are above such pettiness.)

Where was I? Oh, yes.

I should make it clear that I have not (nor shall I ever) relinquish my loyalty to the Word. However, I am willing to concede, albeit reluctantly, that perhaps there are other qualities which may add to a blog’s value and, well, beauty.

THEREFORE, after extended contemplation, long nights of gnawing fingernails and pacing floors, much breast-beating, and a modicum of self-flagellation, I am ready to announce my decisions to the breathe-baited world. But first, a word from our sponsor, the master of award ceremonies, who will present the award rules:

1. Choose 5 blogs you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community, regardless of the language.

2. Each award should have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner should show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented him/her with the award.

4. The award winner and the one who has given the award should show the Arte y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award. Translated, it means "the peak of art."

5. Show these rules.

And now, drumroll, please—WAIT!

It’s only fair to warn you that some of what follows is, if not X-rated, at least W-rated. So no complaints, please. You’ve been warned.

Now, one more time? Drumroll, please–

Robert’s Roost
Far be it from me to suggest that other back-yard gardeners like me are just hobby-gardeners, but it’s nice to see what goes on on a “real” farm, especially one as interesting and friendly as this. I’m not sure Alan’s got the time or inclination to futz about bestowing awards when he’s trying to figure out how to feed his animals through the winter, but he deserves this even if he doesn't want it.

Mr. Subjunctive
Who knows more about what he knows about than most of the rest of us put together. Also, he not only has the gall to like Creeping Charlie, (I thought I was the only one!) but the courage to say so (Yes! Yes!). Because he writes about flood damage, health crises, and Codiaeum variegatum with equal passion and finesse.

Grow it, Eat it
I know we’re not supposed to take into account writing style for this award, but you’ve got to love anyone who tosses off remarks like this one, about an over-busy life: “I am putting in long hours and it’s a feat to just get dinner made before we both eat the table.” (Sept. 23) I mean, don’t you?

Besides that, Heather has more great recipes per square inch of computer screen than anyone else I’ve encountered.

It’s a stretch for me even to acknowledge anyone whose peppers were still going strong in late September (the hail got all of mine back in July), but honesty compels me to admit that this is a great blog. Recipes for salsa, pictures of a mouse with fangs, ideas for crazy reality-TV shows (as if the producers needed help!), a marvelous spoof of various “challenges” titled  “100 Millimeter Challenge: Eat Local or Die Trying”—and that’s all just in a couple of weeks.

Blogging at Blackpitts Garden
James had the most creative (weird?) post titles, one of the easiest to navigate, easy-on-the-eyes blog lay-outs, more than his fair share of experience and expertise, and hey, he’s no slouch as a writer, either. He’s also a very nice guy. He pops up all over the web, dropping a wry comment here, a quip there, and whenever someone’s having a hard time, there’s a line from James. Besids, he's got great hats.

THANK YOU again, Victoria, for bestowing this award on me. I'll get the picture up as soon as I can figure out how.

10 Responses to And the Arte y Pico awards go to–

  1. Great choices, Kate. I love James’s blog, of course, and I’m a fan of Mr Subjunctive, but I haven’t seen the others. Thanks for pointing the way!

  2. “Thanks, I’m sure.” Were you going to tell me, or was I just supposed to discover the “honor” when I visited? I really like Heather’s blog for the same reasons you do. Wish she would post some banjo music.
    Let me know how to put all the important bits on my blog when you figure it out. I’ll try to pass the honor on, but you took a lot of my favorites.

  3. Why, thank you kindly, Madam. I am all aquiver with delight.

  4. VP–Thanks again. Hope you enjoy the new blogs.
    Well, Alan, I was planning to leave you totally in the dark, but you found me out pretty quickly. (Actually, you’ve busted me: I was supposed to let everyone know. Sigh.)
    James, get ahold of yourself. It’s just an award. I hope you never win the lottery; you’ll probably have a heart attack.

  5. Thank you very much! A huge honor given how highly i think of your blog!

  6. Oh my goodness, what a kind treat! Thank you! I will do my best to follow the rules, although I should warn you that my track record in this department is dismal. An opportunity to improve upon it, and I am grateful.

  7. Many thanks, Compostings, or should I say, sjones? At any rate, many thanks indeed.
    Well deserved, Heather, though hardly designed as “Self-Improvement” in the “self-help” part of the book store sort of way. Enjoy. As I confessed early in this post (figuring that everyone would forget by the time they got to the end), I got this award in July, which is–let’s see now–four months ago, so my record is hardly sterling.
    Another for the Better-Late-Than-Never bin. My cup may or may not floweth over, but my bin at least is full.
    Happy Halloween, everyone!

  8. Whenever I feel discouraged at the state of the human race, I shall return to your blog. Oh yes, and also most certainly to James’… though I am wondering about that anteater thing…

  9. Thanks. Should maybe note (w/r/t your comment at PATSP) that if you wanted a Neoregelia ‘Fireball’ of your very own, I could totally make that happen for you.

  10. Anne–Wow. Thank you.
    That is a lovely offer, mr subjunctive, and I will take you up on it as soon as I’m sure that the temperatures in this house (60 degrees or under, most of the time) won’t kill it.

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