Several weeks ago, on a day when it was hard to get motivated for anything, I ended up writing a new, extensive–nay, the definitive–history of the sock wars. You can see it on the Page listed to the right.
I'm beginning to feel like one of those people who peaks in their last year in highschool–you know, the football star, the homecoming queen–and after that, it's all downhill. Sigh. I'll be telling my grandchildren about those damn socks. Right, and they'll be saying, "Yeah, Grandma, we know; you've only told us about it a thousand times."
Damn it, if something else totally crazy doesn't happen in the bloggin' world soon I am going to run out to my garage "in the au naturel," as the Garden Wise Guy so delicately and hilariously puts it, throw all my gardening tools into the alley, light them on fire, and throw myself on the heap, shrieking.
Heavens. I had no idea I was that pent up.