Well, if this year in the garden doesn’t kill me, it will probably cripple me. I’m trying to come back after multiple surgeries and other medical anomaly (I’m beginning to feel like a medical anomaly myself) and bring the garden(s) back after years of neglect, and oy, but it’s a lot of work. Especially since the whole project (multiple projects, really) seemed so overwhelming that I couldn’t face it (them) and therefore got a late start in an early spring.
However, progress is being made. An important point to remember, as I gaze at the mountain of incomplete and unstarted tasks, the unmulched beds, the unplanted beds (!) the compost piles to be built, weed barriers to be installed, beds whose soil has compacted or been invaded by weeds or both—Yes, in the face of all that’s undone, it’s essential to bear in mind what’s done.
So here’s the rundown, minus before and after pictures because photography was not at the top of my priority list when I started. Besides, having no faith that I’d get even this far, I hardly wanted “before” pictures, lest there be no “afters” to trump them.
— New compost bin built (thanks to S.O.), and winter’s compostables moved.
— Major compost pile built and brought to cooking temp. (This involves me trolling the alley for weeds, which I rely on for the nitrogen necessary to bring my piles up to speed.)
— Strawberry beds next door weeded, no small undertaking, believe me.
— home beds composted and at least partially planted; sprouts sighted!
— peas, both pod and snap, soaked and planted.
— greenhouse paths “finished”—at least, walkable.
— greenhouse vent installed (again thanks to S.O.)
— Strenuous attack on bindweed undertaken in beds next door.
— corner area next door dug out; new bed created!
— Patio baskets planted (all but three largest)—something not done these two years past.
— Raspberries clipped back, staked, and mulched.
— Several batches of dandelion/mustard pesto packed into the freezer for winter delectation.
So–it’s a start. I remind myself: all finished tasks start at the beginning.